A SONG FOR CALEB AND LINCOLN Poor people are poor people And they don`t understand A man`s got to make whatever he wants - Take it with his own hands Poor people stay poor people And they never get to see Someone got to win in the human race If it isn`t you, then it has to be me So smile while you`re making it - Laugh while you`re taking it - Even though you`re faking it - Nobody`s gonna know... (Alan Price) https://youtu.be/TR0IhDu-kIA
Glad we found out about him before he played another down for OU. People like this are a dime a dozen. Loyalty to the all mighty dollar and to themselves are not the type of individual that you want leading men. Yes, he seemed like the leader you want. But when the individualism comes out, that trait is just too strong for the real leader of men, of an offense, of a team. Lincoln Riley has it and it seems that CW has it too. Personal goals and money over team goals and fidelity to your team, your mates, your school. Good luck Caleb Williams and I hope you get the real meaning of life somewhere in your time on earth. That has to come from within, not given by family, from friends, from coaches. Life is lived and through experiences you gain the knowledge. Right now, it is sad to say, you have not a clue.
With that, sports fans, enjoy your college football as it is never going to be the same old sport of the past.
Grass isn’t always greener on other side of fence. OU made both of them what they are today.
Yes, totally!
Came to OU because of Riley. That’s why he is going to usc. Give him a break, he stayed with ou to play and win the game. Didn’t need too.?. I admire him for that
Stayed to play bowl game and didn’t need to. I admire him fir that. He came to ou for Riley. Why wouldn’t he go to usc
Very sad that Riley or Caleb
will every taste the thrill of winning a championship.
Just saying.
Yes, why would he have any love for OU? That is what it is. He is a gunslinger looking out for himself and how much $$$$$ he thinks he can make.
I have little problem with Caleb. With Lincoln? He is a unscrupulous skunk and he is not grateful for what Stoops and OU did for him to “RAPE” the team with all those that are leaving to play at USC. A total asshole in my opinion.
It’s not all of these 19-20 year olds fault. I blame the NIL and transfer portal!! Money is too tempting for these young guys to pass up, under right,wrong or any circumstances !S
if someone gave you a millions dollars would you accept it or would you not accept it? What group runs college football to allow the NIL and the transfer portal? I would blame those people.