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GOAT of Martial Arts-The one and only Bruce Lee


Taking me back to my college years, I was one Bruce Lee fan, so much, that I never missed a opening night of one of his movies in Oklahoma City.  Lee was the first and to my mind, the best martial arts fighter in the history of the sport. He was also the greatest of all martial art actors, and that will never be challenged in my opinion. 

Bruce-Lee-Wallpaper-21As a current viewer of most of the best Korean and Asian martial arts films that hit the Blue-ray shelves in my favorite Wal-Mart or come across the “new” list on Amazon, I believe some of the best films of the day come from this part of the world.  And in that, the best fighting film ever made was “The Raid 2”, which is, to me, the most exciting and well-directed fight film of all time.



I wish Lee’s time would have been today, but I will have to live with his movies of the past, and enjoy Lee, the GOAT, as I pass through my senior years on this earth.
